Advisory Board
Definition of the general thematic orientation of an annual event
Approval of the budget of an annual event in coordination with the sponsors
Ordering to OK for an annual event
Provision of the dinner speaker
Evaluation of a conducted event
During an event two f2f meetings take place, in which the event takes place
During a telephone conference, the budget submitted by the OC and the program framework are discussed.
Other conference calls will be convened by the Chair of the AF if it requires the conduct of a conference.
The Advisory Board is composed of five members each from the areas of PPP, TSP, ITSP and IP.
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Andreas Lackner, TVB Mayrhofen-Hippach
Franz Unterluggauer, Standort Agentur Tirol
Oliver Csendes, Österreich Werbung
Touristic Solution Providers (TSP)
Markus Grazer, ÖHV
Oliver Wolf, ÖHV
Sven Thoenes, Kapthon AG / Speed-u-up
IT Solution Providers (ITSP)
Thomas Angerer, Feratel
Gilberto Loacker, Alturos
Bernhard Rieder, MCA
Elias Kärle, Onlim
Intelligence Providers (IP)
Univ. Dr. Dieter Fensel, University of Innsbruck
Prof. Christian Maurer, FH Krems
Univ. Dr. Mike Peters, University of Innsbruck
FH-Prof. Mag. Hubert J. Siller, MCI Management Center Innsbruck
Armin Möller, Tirol Werbung
Umutcan Simsek, STI/Univ. Innsbruck
a relative Mayrhofen who calculates, supervises and accompanies the budget
Stefanie Thurner, Congress Zillertal – Europahaus Mayrhofen
Univ. Dr. Mike Peters, University of Innsbruck